Compton scattering cross section differential cross section for Compton scattering in three-level QED
Author(s): Roqia Motammahid
Abstract: Scattering cross section may be defined in nuclear, atomic, and particle physics for collisions of accelerated beams of one type of particles with targets (either stationary or moving) of a second type of particles. The probability for any given reaction to occur is in proportion to its cross section. Thus, specifying the cross section for a given reaction is a proxy for stating the probability that a given scattering process will this paper. At first i have been considered differential cross section for Compton scattering with regard to lab frame and CM (center of mass) in QED the second, I analyze Compton Scattering cross section in QCD and QMC Theories.
The various cross sections of unpolarized Compton peppering is designed with respect to both t and
which is assessed to first instruction in
that are used in perturbative QED. By using two diverse methods in which two center of mass and lab frames are worked the Klein - Nishina formula is derived from. Plots of
resemble classical Thomson scattering at low s. At higher energy
which is decreased quickly to
. With the increase of s the overall cross section decreases.
Pages: 51-58 | Views: 1729 | Downloads: 918Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Roqia Motammahid. Compton scattering cross section differential cross section for Compton scattering in three-level QED. Int J Multidiscip Trends 2020;2(2):51-58.