Foundational learning skills: Panacea for quality education
Author(s): Dr. Aruna Jha and Manya Manushi
Abstract: Purpose: To understand the role of foundational learning as a means to improve quality in education.
Design/methodology/approach: Secondary data sources like research papers and published reports have been used to carry out this qualitative research that is in the form of a landscape analysis.
Discoveries: There is increased focus on foundational learning in India. We can learn from the experience of countries such as Kenya, Brazil, and Philippines, which have achieved significant success in the field of education, particularly foundational learning. Government, Private sector and NGOs are playing important role in improving the standards of foundational learning in India.
Practical implication: This paper highlights that it is important to impart quality education and for this, all the stakeholders- students, parents, teachers, local community, corporates, NGOs and government should come together.
DOI: 10.22271/multi.2022.v4.i1c.169Pages: 204-208 | Views: 1196 | Downloads: 625Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Dr. Aruna Jha, Manya Manushi.
Foundational learning skills: Panacea for quality education. Int J Multidiscip Trends 2022;4(1):204-208. DOI: