Need of cyber security education in modern times
Author(s): Dr. Anshu Sareen and Shubhangi Jasaiwal
Abstract: Though with the emergence of Internet that certainly has positively impacted people’s lives, as so many of us use social media on internet as a platform for self-expression, to incite discussions, or to become known, but there are negative issues too that have arisen related to its use. Cases like cyber-bully, online fraud, racial abuse, pornography and gambling have increased tremendously due to the lack of awareness among Internet users that many end up being victims to these acts. Sometimes people want to be the primary source of information, of sharing a topic, that they overlook the fact stating authentication to the shared information. Today usage of the internet is not just limited to adults, but in this era of technology and multimedia, knowledge of cybersecurity is also important for children. Still, the level of awareness among Internet users is quite low or moderate. Therefore, if proper measures are taken to cultivate knowledge and awareness among Internet users from their early age, i.e., young children, this issue of cyber safety can be understood in a better way. Since now with covid 19 online education has become the new trend, young children specially need to be educated to operate in a safe manner in cyberspace and to protect themselves in the process. The aim of this paper is to sightsee why cyber safety education is so critical for modern learners and how they can understand the risks associated with being active in cyberspace, to have knowledge and understanding about the strategies that stakeholders can use to promote cyber security education in schools. In this paper, few strategies are discussed as how cyber security education can be implemented in schools.
DOI: 10.22271/multi.2021.v3.i2c.179Pages: 188-191 | Views: 1293 | Downloads: 690Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Dr. Anshu Sareen, Shubhangi Jasaiwal.
Need of cyber security education in modern times. Int J Multidiscip Trends 2021;3(2):188-191. DOI: